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State of Mind - Movie Discussion

  • 10 Nov 2020 3:22 PM
    Message # 9356333
    Kimberly Murphy (Administrator)

    "State of Mind" was filmed in 2009 when Al Pesso was invited to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to work with trauma victims.

    Please feel free to hit the REPLY button below to use this thread to discuss your impressions of the film and any thoughts you'd like to share with the community.

    Last modified: 10 Nov 2020 3:22 PM | Kimberly Murphy (Administrator)
  • 11 Nov 2020 4:06 PM
    Reply # 9358787 on 9356333
    Hazel L

    What a great idea!  Thank you so much for making this documentary available, and for Jim´s intro which set the scene so well.  I was moved several times, not only by the stories but seeing the master at work.  Newer students like me never had the chance to meet Al so these recordings are priceless.  The whole thing just inspires me even more to continue learning. 

    Favourite quote: Forever is not a measure of time but a state of mind.

  • 12 Nov 2020 7:32 PM
    Reply # 9361823 on 9356333

    I agree with your favorite quote; I think of it often when I'm having Ideal parents say things like, "You can stay in our arms as long as you like."  Or, "We'll love you forever."  For the child, it's an experience of complete safety.  That felt sense of safety is so crucial for child development.


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