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Human development & personality

1. Energy-action-interaction-meaning-internalization (map)

2. Shape – counter shape

3. The ego and ego wrapping.

4. Five genetic demands:

a.       Satisfy basic needs

1)      Place

2)      Nurturance

3)      Support

4)      Protection

5)      limits

b.       Integrate & Unify polarities of being

1)      Genetic – sperm/egg

2)      Neurological – left brain/right brain, (lower and higher brain systems)

3)      Sensory-motor -perceiving and moving

4)      Behavioral – activity/receptivity, output/input

5)      Symbolic – maleness/femaleness

c.       Develop consciousness

d.       Develop pilot

e.       Realize our uniqueness and potentiality

5. “Soul energies”
a.       Sexuality
b.       Aggression

c.       Seeking justice

6. Memory (current consciousness is constructed out of memories, the ego as a memory system, types of memories).
7. Perception (perception is a construction, not “direct”}
8. Mind’s eye & mind’s body (predictive system)
9. Concrete, magical, and symbolic modes of experiencing

10. Fruits of living (satisfaction, pleasure, connectedness and meaning)

Clinical Theory and Practice

1. Omnipotence

2. Grandiosity

3. Three tiers: (and working with each)

a.       Deficits

b.       Abuse

c.       Holes in roles

4. Resistance

5. Soul projection

6. 3 circle diagram

7. Contract & motivation

Structure work

1. Definition of a structure

2. Structure phases

3. Place holders, bookmarks & principles

4. Inner scenes and outer stages

5. Negative accommodation

6. Making Movies

7. Abuse

8. Deficits

9. Body parts

10. Micro tracking

a.       Witnessing

b.       Identifying voices

11. Reversals (ideal figures and fragment figures)

12. Working with ideal figures

13. Limit structures

14. Working with suicidal thoughts and wishes

15. Working with abuse history

16. Unbounded states

17. Stages and screens

18. Structure endings to avoid

a.       Negative reconstructions

b.       As if structures

c.       Structure as “prayer” (wishful thinking).

19. Possibility sphere

20. Group dynamics

21. Entry points


4300 W. River Pkwy

Apt. 412

Minneapolis, MN 55406

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