1. Is therapist able to create a possibility sphere to work in?
2. Does therapist identify highest energy, help client utilize highest energy?
3. Does therapist help client find resolution/full expression of highest energy in action and interaction on bodily level and does the structure result in satisfaction of an essential need?
4. Does therapist follow client without giving away essential leadership or taking over process?
5. Does therapist lead the structure in a way that clarifies a historical issue and/or a present issue on experiential as well as on intellectual level?
6. Has therapist sufficient attention for pre-structure stuff, such as motivation, contract, relationship and transference?
7. Does therapist use clear and appropriate role-definitions? (verbalization)
8. Does therapist understand and implement basic theory and basic techniques of PBSP?
9. Is therapist able to form and verbalize basic hypotheses in relation to the client concerning diagnoses as well as processes?
10. Is therapist comfortable with unexpected strong emotional expressions?
11. Is therapist able to take group leadership position in a quiet and clear way?
12. Does therapist pay attention to good accommodation?
13. How good is therapist in listening and observing the body and utilizing this observation?
14. How clear and well-timed are the interventions and how do they fit in with what is happening?
15. Does therapist not permit direct or indirect reconstructions?
16. Is there basic hope and trust within the therapist in the process of the client and does it show up in his or her work?
17. Does it show that the therapist distinguishes PBSP vs. therapeutic message of other modalities?
18. Does therapist attend to the diversion of transference from self to role-playing accommodators?
1. Does the supervisor create such an amount of safety in the supervisory relationship that the therapist is enabled to show his/her uncertainties and anxieties?
2. Does the supervisor stay in charge of the supervisory relationship?
3. Does the supervisor stay in touch with the therapist’s rhythm of learning and understanding?
4. Is the supervisor aware of his/her own relationship issues with the therapist without them getting in the way of the learning process?
5. Does the supervisor explore and follow the learning goals of the therapist?
6. Does the supervisor demonstrate understanding of the hypotheses presented by the therapist?
7. Is the supervisor able to clarify and define hypotheses in terms of Pesso Boyden System Pyschomotor if they are not clear?
8. Is the supervisor able to get presented what is essential in the structure without getting lost in too many details?
9. Is the supervisor able to see if the therapist picks up pre-structural issues in the client’s work and to help the therapist to see this as the highest priority if necessary?
10. Did the supervisor integrate the theories and techniques of PBSP in his/her own way so that he/she can communicate the essentials from his/her own personal understanding and in his/her own language, especially concerning body movements, body-symbolism?
11. Does the supervisor demonstrate his/her own competence and ease in working with PBSP-psychotherapy theories and techniques, especially in finding individual procedures that assist the therapist in developing his/her own style of looking at and understanding PBSP-exercises and structures?
12. Is the supervisor able to note personal issues of the therapist that block the professional development? In other words, can he/she shift gears to those personal issues in the service of the supervision, without doing a therapy?
13. Is the supervisor able to confront in a clear, direct and emphatic way?
14. Is the supervisor able to keep a balance between empathy for the client and empathy for the therapist?
15. Is the supervisor able to place individual supervision in a group, in a way which enables the whole group to gain from the supervision of the individuals?
PBSP theory and technique
1. Does the trainer communicate to the trainees that s/he enjoys teaching Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor?
2. Does the trainer show dedication and enthusiasm to pass on his/her positive experience with PBSP as a method and believe that clients can profit from PBSP?
3. Is the trainer able to teach PBSP theory, exercises and techniques in a clear and consistent way?
4. Is the trainer invested in keeping up-to-date with new developments in PBSP?
5. While presenting a lecture, demonstrating an exercise or answering questions, is the trainer able to present what is essential in PBSP (i.e. by giving core messages or key points) while not getting lost in too many details or distracted by discussions?
6. Is the trainer able to teach PBSP theories, exercises and techniques in terms that bridge PBSP to the knowledge and experience of the trainees that they have gained from their past professional experience with other therapeutic methods and their own personal experience as clients?
7. Does the trainer recognize and correct variations which include other forms of therapy or other nonapproved interventions?
8. Does the trainer recognize and confront mistakes in the application of basic principles and rules of PBSP (such as: respect for the client’s pilot, creating a possibility sphere, sensitivity to the body’s unconscious preparation for emotional behavior: true scene - witness, voices, and fragment figures; noting high energy, interaction, satisfaction of basic needs, proper accommodation, shape-counter shape, right age level, Antidote, New Map, Three Tiers, negative reconstruction) at any moment when they show up in the training setting?
Didactical competencies
9. Does the trainer have the ability to create an inspiring and stimulating learning atmosphere and hold the interest of the training group?
10. Is the trainer in touch with the rhythm of learning and understanding of the group as well as the differences in learning style and speed of the individual trainees?
11. Can the trainer lecture on the spot on all topics in relation to questions and issues that arise in the moment during training?
12. Does the trainer have good lecture skills, able to keep focused on what is the essential in all issues and bring complex processes into clarity?
13. Does the trainer awake active participation of the trainees i.e., during the delivery of a lecture or demonstration of a PBSP exercise / teaching exercise, without losing track?
14. Does the trainer stay in charge while organizing a group exercise?
15. Does the trainer set clear goals, time frames, as well as provide demonstrations, give instruction, encourage discussion, provide evaluation and offer possible applications?
16. Is the trainer able to be inclusive, fair and even-handed in relating with all trainees while paying attention to one individual group member - i.e., answering a specific question or during an emotionally loaded goround - without losing contact with and the interest of the rest of the group?
17. Is the trainer able to deliver individual teaching or individual live supervision in a training group, in a way which enables the whole group to learn?
18. Is the trainer able to give concrete structure examples to illustrate teaching points?
19. Can the trainer - though having a clear curriculum in hand - still be able to change it on the spot when necessary to deal with the high points of learning that arise in the group at that moment?
Leadership Issues
20. Does the trainer pay sufficient attention to the ‘pre-training issues’ of group members: such as motivation to study and apply PBSP, readiness to agree with the training contract, ability to accept the frustration of being in a learning process (instead of primarily expecting a personal therapeutic process)?
21. Is the trainer able to demonstrate firm but kind leadership, especially when confronted, or attacked by trainees regarding PBSP theory and techniques?
22. Is the trainer also able to demonstrate firm but kind leadership when being confronted, challenged or attacked on a personal basis?
23. Does the trainer show interest and investment in their own continuing personal and professional growth?
24. Is the trainer able to handle relationship - and transference - issues in the group in a clear way (competition, unequal turns, sympathies, antipathies, sub-grouping, etc.)?
25. Is the trainer sensitive and respectful of the personal issues of trainees, such as: resistance to learn, anxiety to be judged and the need to be validated on an individual and/or professional basis?
26. Is the trainer able to handle boundary issues while switching between different functions: teaching, demonstrating, guiding, self-experience and evaluation? Personal qualities
27. Does the trainer demonstrate his/her non-verbal skills, - such as awareness of spatial placement of themselves and others in the room, their gestures, body posture, tonality and rhythm of voice - effectively and gracefully?
28. Does the trainer communicate basic hope and trust: that clients can profit from PBSP and that trainees are able to learn from PBSP?
29. Does the trainer distinguish her/himself as being specialized in PBSP, as well as being able to teach the relationship between PBSP and other therapeutic methods?
30. Is the trainer able to discuss his/her and the trainees’ basic assumptions and values regarding therapy and life, without being moralistic and judgmental?